Unleashing Pipedrive's potential with integration improvements

Audrey Liu
Audrey Liu

A few days ago, Pipedrive just announced the release of their Projects API. This API includes 3 new API resources, providing a comprehensive support in their project and task management problem space.

Seeing a great opportunity for our users, we quickly added lots of integrations with these new APIs, and they are now live on Relay.app!

These new integrations include:


  • Create project
  • Update project
  • Archive project
  • Delete project
  • Add task to project
  • Update project task


  • Project created
  • Project status changed
  • Project phase changed

Wait for:

  • Project task completed

Here's a quick example with the Project created trigger and Add task to project automation:

Check out the full list of integrations with Pipedrive on Relay.app.

To try these and other integrations, click here to sign up for free!

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