Party time: The SmartSuite integration is here

Jacob Bank
Jacob Bank
Founder/CEO and SmartSuite logos

We are excited to announce our integration with SmartSuite, a collaborative Work Management platform that enables teams to plan, track and manage workflows - whether it be a project, an ongoing process, or routine everyday tasks.

SmartSuite users can now use Relay to automate their SmartSuite workflows and connect all of their other apps to the platform!

What is SmartSuite?

SmartSuite is a comprehensive work management platform designed to support a wide range of workflows and project types across various industries.

It offers a suite of tools for project management, task tracking, collaboration, and process management. The platform is versatile, supporting sales, marketing, HR, product development, and many other functions.

SmartSuite is user-friendly and customizable, aiming to streamline work processes and enhance team productivity and collaboration.

For detailed information and insights into its specific features and capabilities, you can visit their website at

SmartSuite UI

Key features of SmartSuite:

  • Customizable workspaces: SmartSuite allows users to create and customize workspaces tailored to their specific project needs and team workflows. These customizable workspaces are versatile, supporting a range of functions like sales, marketing, and HR, enhancing team collaboration and efficiency.
  • Integrated project management : The platform offers robust project management tools that facilitate task tracking, scheduling, and progress monitoring. This integration helps teams stay organized and focused, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.
  • Seamless collaboration features: SmartSuite provides a suite of collaboration tools, including shared calendars, file sharing, and communication channels. These features streamline team interaction, making it easier to share information, coordinate tasks, and make decisions quickly and effectively.

What you can do with SmartSuite and Relay

When something changes in SmartSuite, automate actions in other apps

Relay facilitates automations across a wide range of actions based on triggers in SmartSuite. Connect SmartSuite to all of your applications with ease. For example:

  • If you use SmartSuite as your CRM, you can automatically send a contract for e-signature.
  • Or if you use SmartSuite as a project management tool, you can automatically update the marketing team when a feature is ready to launch.

When something happens in another app, add information to SmartSuite

Relay will pull information from your other applications to add it to SmartSuite. This ensures everything important ends up in SmartSuite with automations from Relay. For example:

  • If a lead fills out a form on your website, you can add their information to your CRM in SmartSuite.
  • Or if a new support ticket is filed in your support system, you can add a task in the relevant SmartSuite tracker.

When something happens in in another app, update the instance in SmartSuite

Similarly, Relay will track any important changes in other applications and will update the instance in SmartSuite. For example:

  • If you have a good meeting with a client, you can automatically update their record in your SmartSuite CRM.
  • Or if a prospect signs a contract, update the stage in your SmartSuite record for them.
SmartSuite automation in Relay playbook editor

How to get started

Sign up for a Relay account if you haven’t created one yet. In a playbook, find the SmartSuite trigger or action you want to use.

The first time you add SmartSuite to a playbook in Relay, it will prompt you to connect your account. Then automate away!

For more details on the SmartSuite integration, check out our integration page, to read any of the how to pages below.

What will you automate?

Sign up and get started with your first workflow today.
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