Marketing automation with a human touch

Automate your team’s marketing—from campaign management to lead tracking and content publishing—with Employ human-in-the-loop for key decisions like content approvals, data validation, and strategic adjustments. app app screenshot

4.9 on G2 and trusted by successful teams

Logo for company: Lumos
Logo for company: Motion
Logo for company: Ramp
Logo for company: Skyflow
Logo for company: Tavus
Logo for company: Warp


Fast-track your marketing campaigns

Integrate real-time customer interactions across tools like Typeform, Calendly, and Salesforce. Whether a customer fills out a lead gen form, schedules a meeting, or changes status in your CRM, aligns data across your martech stack. Turn every manual step into automated, strategic action.

  • Add customers to specific campaigns when they fill out a form
  • Trigger workflows when customers book a meeting
  • Automate actions when customer statuses change in your CRM

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Keep your projects on schedule

Automate task creation and updates triggered by events across your tools. New data in HubSpot? See it instantly in ClickUp. A new sale? Generate tasks in Asana. Cut the manual busywork, and keep your projects on time and your team running like a well-oiled machine.

  • Create a follow-up task when you receive an email from a customer
  • Update a task to take action when a customer status changes in your CRM
  • Trigger a new project phase when a customer submits a form

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Optimize your lead management

Sync updates and send alerts with Post updates to your team when a deal reaches a critical stage in the sales pipeline, or trigger an email sequence based on a lead’s status in your CRM. Speed up response times, and free up time to focus on closing deals while runs in the background.

  • Send an alert to your sales team when a lead’s status changes
  • Generate and store transcripts from sales calls in your CRM
  • Initiate a personalized document signing sequence

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No more content production bottlenecks

Empower your content creators by removing obstacles in their workflow. With, the tools you use to create, manage, and plan content operate in harmony. Build repeatable templates and briefs so your team can focus on creativity. Plus, with human-in-the-loop touchpoints for reviews and edits, you can ramp up production without sacrificing quality.

  • Create creative drafts and briefs using pre-designed templates
  • Set up automated content approval workflows
  • Maintain your content calendar with up-to-date information

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Streamline your marketing data

Capture and organize survey responses, emails, and data from critical marketing tools like HubSpot. Funnel key information into spreadsheets or databases, or pipe it directly to a Doc—ensure your team stays aligned and data updates in real-time. Adjust strategies on the fly for optimal performance.

  • Update lead scores in a Google Sheet as new data is received
  • Funnel all campaign metrics into a centralized database
  • Pipe customer feedback directly to a Google Doc

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Author picture (Ari Hoffman) Skyflow

“One of the things we value at Skyflow is the personal touch. We want all our customers to feel that they are getting a personal touch, and allows this.”

Ari Hoffman
Head of Customer Experience, Skyflow


Enhance automation with human insights

Request approvals

Add a human checkpoint to any process with approval steps. Request approval from a teammate or group over Slack or email, and your workflow will pause until they give the go-ahead to continue. Easily include all the relevant data the assignee needs to make a decision.

Request approvals

Make decisions

Not every path can be decided on by a set of rules and conditions. When you need a teammate to make an intentional decision about which steps to follow in a given run, request a manual path selection over Slack or email.

Make decisions

Gather information

When you need information from a teammate to use in automations, request their input using a get data step. Include all the relevant data needed for them to fill out the form. Collect text responses, numbers, names, and more. You’ll be able to use their responses in subsequent automations.

Gather information

Assign tasks

When a critical part of your workflow includes a step you can’t automate, you need a manual task. Assign tasks to anyone in your workspace and wait until they mark it as complete to continue the run. Include rich instructions, customizable reminders, and a deadline when you need one.

Assign tasks

Frequently asked questions

  • What is is a modern, crafted workflow automation platform. Build workflows that connect and automate actions across all the apps you already use. has deep integrations, rich workflow tools, and human-in-the-loop steps for bringing human decisions, tasks, and approvals into automated workflows.

  • What is a workflow?

    A workflow is the template for an automated workflow. With a workflow, you can streamline and automate the repetitive work you do across multiple apps. Every workflow starts with a trigger and is followed by one or more automations. Every time your trigger is activated, a new run of the workflow is started.

  • How does’s pricing work? has generous plans for teams of every size, starting with a Free plan for 1–2 teammates running 100 automations per month. See our pricing plans at

  • How many integrations does support? currently has integrations with nearly 100 third-party apps (see them here). We pride ourselves on designing deep, robust integrations with the top tools used by modern teams. We are constantly adding new integrations, so if there’s another app your team needs, just request it at

  • How do I get support?

    The team prides itself on outstanding customer support and speedy response times. We strive to reply to our customers within 24 hours if not sooner and resolve minor issues within 48 hours. Reach out to us at and we’ll get back to you promptly.

What will you automate?

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