How Overe saved hundreds of dollars with

Audrey Liu
Audrey Liu

Paul from Overe, a SaaS security platform, wanted to automate his lead capture process by automatically triggering an email when someone signs up on their website. But he quickly realized that to enable automated workflows in HubSpot, he’d have to pay hundreds of dollars per month. Like most scrappy startup operators, he wanted to solve his problem for a lot less money :)

Looking for a solution, Paul thought he may have to migrate to a new CRM and posted this thread on Reddit to ask for input, and to see if Zapier could help. We decided to reach out to see if we could give him a great solution at a fair price!

After a quick back and forth on Slack to understand his use case, we added a few key features to Relay over the course of two days and told Paul to give it a shot. He quickly created a simple playbook that triggers on a HubSpot contact property change, then sends a Slack channel notification to alert his team and creates a HubSpot form submission. It did exactly what he hoped it would.

A few days later, Paul wanted to automate something else: alerting a different Slack channel based on a different form submission, which required a new integration from Relay. After another quick clarification in Slack, we added this support and Paul had his new workflow up and running within 72 hours. Using Relay, Paul was able to save a ton of money relative to purchasing Workflow Automation from Hubspot or adopting Zapier, and he was so happy with the experience, that he shared a kind review on our newly created G2 posting!

“I'm excited to have found Relay as a cost-effective and efficient alternative to my previous automation tool. Their rapid feature integration and exceptional support have earned my loyalty. I'm more than happy to endorse Relay, and I look forward to a long and successful partnership with them."
Paul from Overe

Thank you for the kind words, Paul! We can’t wait to automate more for you!

Want to partner with us to automate your workflows while leveraging AI and receive top notch support? Reach out at

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