June 2023 Changelog: New template gallery, App Store reviews, and more

Thijs van As
Thijs van As
Founding Head of Product

Below are June's updates to Relay, including new integrations with the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, Lever, Confluence and HelpScout.

Team favorites are marked with 💙.

Highlight of the month is our new Template Gallery, featuring interactive use case templates for inspiration. As always, if you have any feature requests just send a note to me via thijs@relay.app!

Relay's new Template Gallery, letting you browse through interactive playbook templates for inspiration

🦾 Core functionality

  • 💙 Share playbooks via public links like these
  • Enhanced reporting on Automation failures in the Activity Log
  • All triggers now supported as independent Data Sources
  • Allow per-run changes to Task names & descriptions
  • Connect a Relay workspace to multiple Slack workspaces

🤖 New Automations

  • Lever: Archive a candidate
  • Lever: Create a Panel
  • Confluence: Copy a page

🎬 New Triggers

  • 💙 Apple App Store: New user review for app
  • 💙 Google Play Store: New user review for app
  • Lever: Candidate changes Stage
  • HelpScout: tag changed
  • Ashby: Candidate hire status change

🤩 Usability & experience updates

  • 💙 New Template Gallery with interactive templates like these
  • 💙 “RelayGPT”: AI-prompt based Playbook creation wizard
  • 💙 Trigger setup now shows run previews
  • Suggestion cards in Playbook editor
  • Simplified “flow control” concepts and UI
  • Improved usability for naming runs
  • https://relay.new → shortcut to create a new blank playbook
  • New educational zero state for dashboard

What will you automate?

Sign up and get started with your first Relay.app workflow today.
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