How to add new Mailchimp subscribers to HubSpot as contacts is an automation tool that lets you automate actions across HubSpot, Mailchimp, and many other apps.
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Add the Mailchimp trigger

Every playbook starts with a trigger. The trigger detects changes in your connected apps and runs your playbook accordingly.

Click "Add trigger" and choose "New subscriber" from the Mailchimp options. Next, you'll need to specify which Audience to monitor. If you haven't yet integrated Mailchimp with Relay, you'll be asked to connect your Mailchimp account at this point.

Now, your playbook will activate automatically with each new subscriber added to your Mailchimp list.


Add the HubSpot Get or create contact automation

Now you're ready to ensure a new contact is retrieved or generated in HubSpot. Add a new step and choose the "Get or create contact" option from the HubSpot automations.

If it's your first time linking HubSpot with Relay, you'll need to establish the connection. Then, provide the necessary details like first/last name and email address. Use the data from Mailchimp to automatically populate these fields with the corresponding subscriber information.


Turn on the playbook

Upon completing the configuration of your playbook, make sure to activate it.

The playbook will then operate automatically each time a subscriber is added to Mailchimp. Additionally, you have the option to select "Check now" for a manual initiation at any moment you desire.

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