While Albato focuses on streamlining app connections and data synchronization, Relay.app uplevels automation by integrating human insights into the process. By embedding human-in-the-loop actions within workflows, Relay.app not only improves operational efficiency but also lets you finely tune automations to align with your organization's goals. This approach introduces a level of adaptability and customization beyond Albato's primarily data-transfer-oriented automation.

Why people choose Relay.app over Albato
How do Relay.app and Albato compare?
Relay.app has all the basic features you expect in a no-code workflow automation tool–plus a few super useful extras. All in a beautifully designed, friendly user interface.

Relay.app is the next generation of workflow automation
Relay.app redefines workflow automation by making sophisticated features accessible to all team members, not just those with technical expertise. Unlike Albato, which primarily focuses on app connections and data syncing, Relay.app enables businesses to automate complex workflows, integrate AI decisions, and incorporate human judgments, all within a collaborative, no-code environment.

Why Relay.app outshines Albato

Automation powered by human insight
Designed with team collaboration in mind
Albato's solution, though effective for connecting apps, may not fully support your collaborative team efforts. Relay.app, on the other hand, is engineered to encourage teamwork and collective input. Offering easy-to-use collaborative workflow editing, task assignments, and role-based access controls, Relay.app welcomes contributions from all team members of all technical levels, making it a great platform for teams invested in collaborative success and innovation.

Dedicated support from an expert team
Relay.app prides itself on offering exceptional customer support. Our team of in-house experts is available and ready to offer personalized guidance and timely support. We are committed to listening to your needs, solving any issues quickly, and constantly evolving our product to better support your automation needs.
Transparent, reasonable pricing
Relay.app offers a reasonable pricing model for teams of all sizes. If you’re not sure which plan you’ll need, just start with the free tier and upgrade when you need to. Learn more at relay.app/pricing.

4.9 on G2 and trusted by successful teams

"Relay.app has completely transformed how we approach onboarding for new employees. In addition to reducing the time we spend on manual tasks by over 70%, Relay.app gives us the right tools to build positive interactions between employees, managers, and new hires–improving the onboarding experience for everyone."
Frequently asked questions
Is Albato ever a better choice?
linkAlbato is a great choice for businesses looking for straightforward application integrations and data syncing without the need for complex workflow automation or extensive customization. Its direct, no-frills approach to connecting apps is ideal for those who need simple, effective data transfer between services without the broader, more advanced features that Relay.app offers.
How adaptable is Relay.app for various business needs?
linkRelay.app offers deep integrations with popular tools and the unique ability to blend AI and human decision-making into workflows. This adaptability allows you to tailor workflows to the specific needs and objectives of your organization, ensuring a personalized and effective automation strategy that evolves alongside your business.