How to send a Slack message whenever a Pipedrive person is updated is an automation tool that lets you automate actions across Pipedrive, Slack, and many other apps.
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Set the Pipedrive trigger as “Person updated”

Add a trigger to initiate your playbook's actions.

To do this, click " Add trigger " in your playbook." Choose the "Person updated" trigger from the Pipedrive options from there. It will enable your playbook to detect when a person updates their information on Pipedrive and trigger necessary actions automatically.

If you have yet to connect your Pipedrive account to Relay, a prompt will guide you through the connection process.


Add the “Send messages” automation in Slack

Integrate the Slack automation into your playbook.

Select "Add Step" and then locate the "Send Message" automation for Slack. Enter all the relevant details, including the sender's name, the Slack channel for updates, and the message body containing detailed information about the deal.

If you still need to connect your Slack account to Relay, you will be prompted to complete that connection. Make sure to allow the necessary permissions for Relay to send messages through your Slack account.


Activate your playbook

Activating your playbook is the last step to automate sending out a Slack notification whenever a Pipedrive person in updated without manual intervention.

To activate your playbook, click the toggle button in the header. Before starting it, we recommend running a test to ensure all the steps work seamlessly together and the messages are sent correctly.

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