How to automatically save Gmail attachments to Google Drive is an automation tool that lets you automate actions across Gmail, Google Drive, and many other apps. In this guide, we'll show you how to automatically run the “upload file” action in Google Drive for each email received in Gmail using
Gmail logoGmail > Google Drive
Last triggered
Gmail logoEmail received
Google Drive logoUpload file

Add a Gmail "Email received" trigger

After creating a new playbook, click "Add trigger," and select "Email received" under "Gmail."

Next, set up the rules for which emails you want this playbook to trigger on. For example, you can choose to only use messages with a certain sender, containing specific words in the subject, or that have a certain label. If this is your first time using a Gmail integration in Relay, you'll be prompted to connect your Gmail account.

Now, every time an email is received in Gmail that matches your criteria, your playbook will run automatically.


Add a Google Drive "Upload files" step

Next, click "Add step" and select "Upload files" in the menu under "Google Drive." Connect Google Drive to Relay if you haven't already.

Choose the folder in Drive that you want to save the attachments to. Then, under the "Files" dropdown, select Mail -> Attachments.


Turn on the playbook

Once you are finished setting up your playbook, it's time to activate it. Just click the On/Off toggle button in the header to turn it on.

The playbook will now run automatically whenever an email is received in Gmail that matches your criteria, and all of the email's attachments will be saved to Google Drive.

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