How to connect a Webflow form to Hubspot is an automation tool that lets you automate actions across HubSpot, Webflow, and many other apps.
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Set up your playbook

Your playbook is where you'll set up the steps involved in your Webflow -> Hubspot form response handling process.

Sign up for Relay to get started with your first playbook. Once on the dashboard, click the "New playbook" button, and you're off to a good start.

Make sure to give your playbook a clear name & identifiable emoji to help it stand out among the crowd!


Add the Webflow trigger

A trigger is responsible for detecting changes in your connected apps and running your playbook in response.

In this case, the "New form submission" trigger for Webflow will automatically create new playbook runs whenever a particular form is submitted from your page.

Click "Add trigger" in your playbook, select the "New form submission" trigger, and select the right site & form. If this is the first time you're setting it up, you'll be prompted to connect your Webflow account.


Add the Hubspot automation

A playbook contains steps that will be executed during every run. Automations are steps that take some action in another tool.

In this playbook, you can set up a "Create deal" automation for Hubspot to transfer the information from the form into your CRM. You may also want to set up e.g. a "Create company" or "Create contact" automation to link to the deal.

Click the "Add step" button, then navigate to "Automations", find the Hubspot automation, and fill out the details. If this is the first time you're setting it up, you'll be prompted to connect your Hubspot account.

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