Wave Integrations

Relay.app is an automation tool that lets you automate actions across apps. Unlike other automation tools, Relay.app lets you add human approvals and decisions to any automated workflow.

Wave is an intuitive and robust financial software designed specifically for small businesses, freelancers, and consultants. Its functionality includes creating invoices, processing payments, and managing customers. Relay's integration with Wave transforms your financial workflows by leveraging AI and collaborative automations. Utilize Relay to respond proactively to new invoices, efficiently manage customer data, and ensure that financial operations are streamlined across your business ecosystem.

Wave integrations in Relay.app

Customer created
Invoice created
Create customer
Create invoice
Send invoice

Do more with Wave and Relay.app

Prompt Invoicing and Payment Collection

Create responsive payment workflows with Relay's 'Invoice created' trigger in Wave. When you issue a new invoice, you can automate an accompanying email with payment instructions or follow-up tasks. Incorporate AI to generate personalized messages that align with the client's payment history or preferences, ensuring prompt and efficient payment collection.

Synchronized Customer Management

With Relay's 'Customer created' trigger in Wave, kickstart a series of actions across other business apps. Whenever a new customer profile is created, Relay can populate their details in your CRM, initiate welcome email sequences, or schedule orientation calls via your calendaring app. Keep all stakeholders updated with automated Slack notifications or assign follow-up tasks to your team members for a tailored customer onboarding experience.

Automated Financial Record-Keeping

Elevate your accounting practices using Relay's automations to maintain an organized record of financial documents. Set up a Relay playbook that automatically generates and sends invoices based on specific triggers such as contract signatures or purchase orders. Leverage AI within Relay to compose detailed invoice descriptions, reducing the manual entry workload and minimizing errors.

Ready to use Wave in Relay.app?

Sign up now and get started with your first playbook today