How founders can use Relay for HR

Your people are your most important asset. Use Relay to keep team ops running smoothly.

Candidate outreach

Candidate outreach

Reaching out to candidates requires a ton of work. For every candidate, you need to send a message, follow up, schedule calls, keep them warm, and more. Relay can help you automate and stay on top of the outreach process.

Interviewing candidates

Interviewing candidates

Interviewing candidates is more complicated than it seems–you need to find a time, prepare questions, conduct the interview, compile notes, and follow up. It’s easy for steps to slip through the cracks. Relay can help you manage the process!

Closing candidates

Closing candidates

When the time comes to close candidates, it’s crucial that you get it right. From counter offers to getting cold feet, there are so many ways things can fall apart. Relay can help you close candidates more effectively by keeping things on track.

Onboarding new team members

A new team member–exciting! But with this comes all of the HR processes like setting up their email, getting a laptop, connecting them to all of the systems they’ll need, and more. Relay can help you manage all of these steps so your employees are up and running in no time!

Onboarding new team members

Offboarding team members

When a team member moves on, it’s important to manage the offboarding process so the transition goes well. From paperwork, to transferring knowledge, to removing account access, it’s a lot to remember. Relay can help you check each thing off the list to keep things moving.

Offboarding team members

Managing performance reviews

There will come a day when it’s time to start conducting performance reviews. It’s no small feat to manage–from collecting self-evaluations, to gathering manager feedback, to collating it all into a review. Relay helps you stay on top of the entire process from end to end.

Managing performance reviews

Ready to start using Relay for your HR processes and more?

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