How to quickly get rid of cold emails in Gmail is an automation tool that lets you automate actions across Gmail, and many other apps. In this guide, we'll show you how to automatically run the “reply” action in Gmail for each label added in Gmail using
Gmail logoGmail > Gmail
Last triggered
Gmail logoLabel added
Gmail logoReply

Create a trigger for new emails with the "Cold Email"

First go to Gmail Settings, and create a new label called "Cold Email". When you've done that, create a new playbook in Relay, and set up a trigger from Gmail, choose "Label Added" and select your new "Cold Email" label.


Add a step to automatically reply to the email

Add a step and selection Automation -> Gmail -> Reply to All. Next, select "Mail" in the E-mail dropdown and enter whatever text you'd like to send in the Body (e.g. "No thanks, please remove me from your list"). Finally, change the bottom dropdown from "Double Check" to "No Review Required".


Add a step to automatically archive the email

Select the "+" button -> Automation -> Gmail -> Archive email. Select "Mail" again in the email dropdown, and make sure it's set to "No review required".

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